Сварочная проволока ER70S-6, 10 фунтов, с низким уровнем разбрызгивания, Mig проволока

Размер: 10 фунтов 0,035 дюйма
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Производитель ‎ARCCAPTAIN
номер части ‎Welding0.9SCWIREX5/‎Сплошная проволока 030 дюймов/10 фунтов
Вес предмета ‎10,63 фунта
Размеры упаковки 9,45 х 8,39 х 2,48 дюйма / 8,19 х 8,07 х 2,56 дюйма
Размер ‎0,035 дюйма 10 фунтов/‎0,030 дюйма 10 фунтов

Пользовательский контент

High-quality: ARCCAPTAIN's ER70S-6 mig welding wire .030" meets industry standards(Net Weight: 10lbs), ensuring consistent performance, superior strength. With its smooth feeding and stable welding parameters, you can achieve optimal penetration, high deposition rates, and exceptional overall welding performance.

TÜV Tested and Approved: Our welding wire .030" has undergone rigorous testing and has received TÜV certification. With a balanced combination of manganese and silicon deoxidizers, this welding wire ensures efficient deoxidization of the weld pool, resulting in high-quality welds with minimal impurities.

Smooth Weld Bead: Experience a smooth and consistent weld bead with our solid welding wire .030". Its excellent wetting characteristics ensure proper molten metal flow, resulting in a visually appealing weld with minimal post-weld cleanup required.

Optimal performance: Experience seamless welding with our .030" mig wire. It offers excellent arc characteristics, minimizing spatter and promoting a clean weld appearance.

Easy to Use: Our mig welding wire features excellent arc stability and feedability, making it user-friendly and suitable for both novice and experienced welders. Achieve precise control and create strong, durable welds with ease.