10/Pack Color-coded Tungsten Electrodes 2% Blue Lanthanated Red Thoriated Tungsten

Color: blue
Size: 1/16"x 7" (1.6mm x 175mm)
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Manufacturer ‎ARCCAPTAIN
Part Number ‎TIG Tungsten-Blue 1.0mm/‎Tungsten3.2Blue/‎TIG Tungsten-Blue 1.6mm/‎TIG Tungsten-Blue 2.4mm
Item Weight ‎1.58 ounces/‎10.8 ounces/‎3.17 ounces/‎6.3 ounces
Package Dimensions ‎8 x 2 x 0.01 inches/8.11 x 2.32 x 0.43 inches/8.07 x 1.73 x 0.35 inches/8.15 x 2.36 x 0.39 inches
Size ‎0.04"/‎1/8"/‎1/16"/‎3/32"
Material ‎2% lanthanated

This 10-pack of 2% Lanthanated tig tungsten electrodes 1/16"x7" (Blue, WL20/EWLa-2) is a top-quality product that adheres to Standard AWS A5.12M/A5.12:2009 and DIN EN 26848 GB/T 31908-201. All tungsten in this pack has 100% traceability, ensuring its quality and origin.

These high-performance tungsten welding electrodes are manufactured to exact specifications and precise size. They have the ability to resist thermal shock, providing the user with fast arc striking and a low burn off rate without spreading. Even under heavy amps welding on thick aluminum plate, these electrodes do not split.

The lanthanated tungsten tig electrode is non-radioactive, offering good electrical conductivity, requiring lower amperage, good ductility, and excellent arc stability. These electrodes are ready to help you make the perfect and consistent weld.